Completion of the Proof of Disability form allows CELA patrons to gain access to a wide variety of titles available in the Bookshare collection. After CELA receives and approves your proof of disability, you can log in to CELA and gain access to over 1 million titles from Bookshare, in addition to CELA's growing collection.
Proof of Disability is required for access to the Bookshare collection because of agreements which Bookshare has made with publishers.
Note: Patrons who do not provide a proof of disability will still have access to the CELA collection. Submitting the Proof of Disability form simply gives patrons access to a wider range of materials.

Downloading and completing the form
- Download the Proof of Disability form.
- In the form, fill out the information about yourself. Make sure to save the form.
- Have the Proof of Disability section filled in and signed by a qualified certifying professional (previously known as a competent authority) in the field of disabilities services, education, medicine or psychology. You can email the form by attaching it to an email.
- After the Proof of Disability section has been completed and signed by a professional, upload the form on the My Account section of the CELA website.
CELA will confirm with you when the form has been processed and approved.
Note: For access to the Bookshare collection through CELA, you first need to complete the CELA registration process, if you have not already done so.
Who can sign the Proof of Disability form?
Suggested certifying professionals for each qualifying disability are listed below. If you are a student, your school’s Special Education or Services for Students with Disabilities staff may sign the form.
Blindness and vision loss
In the case of blindness or vision loss, certifying professionals may include:
- A photograph or scan of a CNIB ID card
- Vision teacher
- Special education teacher
- Family doctor
- Ophthalmologist
- Optometrist
- Low vision specialist
Learning and/or reading disability
In the case of learning and/or reading disability, a certifying professional may include:
- Special education teacher
- Learning disability, dyslexia, or resource specialist
- School psychologist
- Clinical psychologist with a background in learning disabilities
- Family doctor
- Psychiatrist
- Neurologist
- Speech language pathologist with a background in learning disabilities
Physical disabilities
In the case of a physical disability, a certifying professional may include:
- Special education teacher
- Physical therapist
- Family doctor or other medical professional