In this issue:
- Canada Reads shortlist has been announced!
- Death of Elizabeth Wurtzel
- Kids and teens
- New books for kids and teens
- Recommended reads: Little Women
- Lots of great new titles for winter reading
- New book recommendation
- Newspapers update
- Website update: view your history
- Dream Accessible at OLA
- Service tip for libraries
- Webinars
- Stay connected!
Canada Reads shortlist has been announced!
CELA has partnered with CBC Books and Canada Reads again this year to ensure the featured titles are available to Canadians with print disabilities in multiple accessible formats.
When promoting Canada Reads titles or programming to your patrons, please consider including information about the various accessible formats available. More information, including links to the full list of featured titles, is available at celalibrary.ca/awards. We are grateful to the CBC, and the publishers who work to ensure that all Canadians can participate in this important conversation.
Promote the full shortlist in accessible formats using the link to the Canada Reads 2020 shortlist.
Death of Elizabeth Wurtzel
We were saddened to hear of the passing of author Elizabeth Wurtzel at age 52. Wurtzel is best known for Prozac Nation, her 1994 memoir describing her experiences with depression and addiction. Her honest portrayal of her struggles normalized depression and paved the way for others to write about mental illness openly. She followed Prozac Nation with Bitch: In Praise of Difficult Women and More, Now, Again: A Memoir of Addiction (available as a Bookshare title). Our condolences go out to her family, friends and fans.
Kids and teens
Newly added to our collection, just in time for Valentine's Day:
Love from A to Z by S. K. Ali
Eighteen-year-old Muslims Adam and Zayneb meet in Doha, Qatar, during spring break and fall in love as both struggle to find a way to live their own truths. For junior and senior high readers. 2019.
Also by S.K. Ali: Saints and Misfits
S.K. Ali on why we need more Muslim stories
New books for kids and teens
If you're looking for new titles for kids and teens, check out our Browse new titles options. You can search the collection for great new books added in the last month, or the last three or six months.
Teen titles added in the last 3 months
Kids titles added in the last 3 months
We also continue to add new titles to the printbraille collection. Order these titles via our online order form.
Recommended reads: Little Women
Faline Bobier, Training and Outreach Coordinator and CELA’s resident film buff recommends re-reading Little Women, especially if you are planning to see the movie.
The release of American director Greta Gerwig's film Little Women is a great occasion to go back and read Louisa May Alcott's book to remind yourself why it made such a big impact on you when you were a kid. The movie is a wonder. Gerwig sets it very clearly in its time - during the Civil War. The movie was filmed in Louisa May Alcott's home town - Concord, Massachussets. I loved the way she gives each March girl their due - Meg, Jo, Amy & Beth. In particular we come to understand Amy, often see as a petulant, spoiled, empty-headed young woman, a lot better in the movie. She has a very shrewd speech in the movie where she talks about the limitations of romantic love for girls who don't have the luxury to be choosy about whom they love. I saw Little Women four times because it makes you feel like you are immersed in the world of the March girls and their dear Marmee, as well as next door neighbour, Laurie, the poor little rich boy who is played to perfection by acting marvel Timothée Chalamet.
Lots of great new titles for winter reading
We are regularly adding new titles to the collection and over the past month a significant number of new books have been added. Some of these titles are recently published and some are older titles, including classics, patron favourites and books that complete series or author collections.
Patrons can find the newest titles using the Browse new titles page or by using the date added and date published filters when using the search function. Bookshare titles will appear based on the date added to the Bookshare collection and not the date added to the CELA collection. If you are searching for newly added Bookshare titles, try broadening the search filters to include materials added in the past 6 months or 12 months and narrowing the date published filters to limit the number of results you see.
New book recommendation
Fate (Uncle Chow Tung series #1) by Ian Hamilton
Hong Kong, 1970. The Dragon Head (also known as the Mountain Master) of the Fanling Triad has died and there is a struggle to replace him among senior members of the gang. Normally, the Deputy Mountain Master is next in line, but this one is weak and ineffectual and has only survived because of the protection of the Dragon Head. Up to this point, the Fanling Triad has operated in relative isolation from neighbouring gangs, but the Dragon Head's death has drawn attention to the area - and to its wealth. Other gangs start to make threatening moves and it's obvious to the senior members of the Fanling gang that they need a leader who can fend off the threats, unite the membership, and maintain their prosperity. There are several candidates. The least conspicuous is their White Paper Fan, their young administrator. His name is Chow Tung, but many of those who work with him already refer to him as "Uncle." Followed by "Foresight." 2019.
Fans of the Ava Lee series will enjoy this prequel featuring Uncle Chow Tung. Read the Ava Lee series.
Newspapers update
The CELA team has been working to find a replacement solution for the newspapers that were withdrawn by our former supplier in mid-December. Unfortunately, an immediate accessible solution is not available as there is not another supplier that already offers this type of service for these withdrawn papers.
We are currently speaking with various suppliers, publishers and stakeholders as we actively pursue multiple approaches to resolve this issue and we are working towards a solution with the goal of restoring these newspapers as soon as possible.
We understand that patrons are frustrated with the loss of access to this content and we share that frustration. Please accept our apologies and assurances that this is a priority for our team.
Website update: view your history
In early February, patrons will be able to view their borrowing history in My account. Items will appear in the My history section as soon as they have been processed for patrons. Digital items will appear in My history as soon as they are ready for download or when they appear on your Direct to Player bookshelves. CDs and embossed braille items will appear in your history when they have been produced and are ready to be mailed.
For items borrowed since CELA moved to the new platform, My history will include a link to the title’s full record, as well as format, collection and date issued. Historical records for materials borrowed in the previous system will include the title, format and date issued, but no link to the record. Images of book covers appear when they are available.
You will be able to sort titles alphabetically and by date issued. In future, we will add the option to search and filter within My history.
Watch our Website updates page for more information about My history and other upcoming website updates including refining of filters for language and date published.
Dream Accessible at OLA
We’re excited to be attending OLA again this year and looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Please stop by our booth #213 to find out what we are up to and pick up an exclusive #DreamAccessible badge ribbon.
You’ll also find us at a variety of sessions during OLA.
The CELA user group meeting is being held Thursday, January 30 from 8:00-9:00 am in the Conquest Room at the InterContinental Hotel.
Our user group meeting is the perfect opportunity to talk to CELA staff, including our new Executive Director, Rina Hadziev, about how we can help you serve your patrons better. Get updates on the progression of our platform, hear about some of our upcoming exciting announcements and give us your feedback. Coffee, tea and pastries will be served. To attend, please register by sending an email to members@celalibrary.ca with your name and the name of your library by January 29, 2020.
Rina Hadziev will be speaking as part of a panel of experts discussing inclusive publishing in Born Accessible: Libraries, Publishers and the Government of Canada’s Efforts to Realize the Dream of Inclusive Publishing, Thursday, January 30 3:45-5:00 pm.
Rachel Breau will be moderating a panel of librarians from Innisfil, Sudbury and Mississauga libraries, sharing their tips for successfully implementing accessible services in Dream Inclusive: Making Accessible Collections and Services in Your Library a Reality, Friday, January 31 10:45 am-12:00 pm.
Service tip for libraries
We’ve recently updated our Accessible formats page with new information to help libraries and their patrons determine which formats might be right for them. With each format we’ve included a section entitled "Choose this format if." Pair this information with tips from our Accessing books for patrons page in an upcoming staff meeting, or to pass on to staff who may want a refresher.
Each month we offer a series of free interactive webinars in both French and English for a variety of audiences.
Orientation webinar
An overview of CELA service, including collections offered, eligibility, how to order DAISY audio books or other alternative format books for your library, patron registration, and promotional ideas.
Promoting your accessible library service
This 30 minute webinar will share information about promoting accessible library services, the value of accessible communications and how to implement best practices to ensure library communications are accessible to patrons with print disabilities.
Frontline staff webinar
This 45 minute webinar will provide an introduction to CELA services for your colleagues who need to understand the basics about your CELA service so they can direct patrons appropriately.
Thurs, April 16 1:00-1:45pm EDT
We also offer specialized webinars on promotions, collections and other topics of interest to libraries. Check our Webinar page to learn more or to register for upcoming webinars. And watch Open Book for Libraries for more information about specialized webinars.
Stay connected!
Visit CELA's social media, including Twitter and Facebook for more news about what's happening in the world of accessible literature.