Voiceover (iPhone and iPad users)
To use the rotor on your iPhone or iPad, rotate two fingers on your device's screen as if you're turning a dial. Voiceover will say the first rotor option. Turn until you get to the Links rotor option.
To search for books:
- Swipe right with one finger until you get to the Skip to search button. Enter your keywords into the search bar. Swipe right to find the Search button and double-tap to execute your search.
To log in:
- Swipe right with one finger until you get to the Account menu. Double-tap to open the Account menu. Flick right with one finger until you reach the Log in option and double-tap to open it.
To register:
- Swipe right with one finger until you get to the Account menu. Double-tap to open the Account menu. Flick right until you reach the Register option and double-tap to open it.
To access newspapers, magazines and recommended books:
- Swipe right with one finger until you get to the main menu. Double-tap to open the main menu. Flick right until you reach the option you want and double-tap to open it.
Talkback (Android users)
You can access the main navigation links for CELA using the default navigation option in Talkback. To make sure it is turned on, flick down with one finger until you get to the default option.
To search for books:
- Swipe right with one finger until you get to the Skip to search button and double-tap to activate it. Enter your keywords into the search bar. Swipe right to find the Search button and double-tap to execute your search.
To log in:
- Swipe right with one finger until you get to the Account menu. Double-tap to open the Account menu. Flick right with one finger until you reach the Log in option and double-tap to open it.
To register:
- Swipe right with one finger until you get to the Account menu. Double-tap to open the Account menu. Flick right until you reach the Register option and double-tap to open it.
To access newspapers, magazines and recommended books:
- Swipe right with one finger until you get to the main menu. Double-tap to open the main menu. Flick right until you reach the option you want and double-tap to open it.