Braille Collection FAQ
How can I receive books from CELA in my preferred braille format?
You may search or browse books yourself on the website or have them sent to you using the automatic selection service.
For information on browsing and searching books, as well as using filters to refine results by format or other criteria, see the Getting Started with CELA page. For more information on how to use the automatic selection feature, see the Automatic Selection Help Page.
Where can I find out about newly added braille books?
Braille Books Acquired is a quarterly newsletter containing a list of braille books recently added to the CELA collection. To subscribe, go to CELA’s Newsletters page. You can also perform a search on the site and then filter by braille format and sort by date added so the newest additions will show up first.
Can I read magazines from CELA in braille?
CELA patrons may subscribe to receive embossed copies of contracted braille magazines in the mail that are of special interest to braille readers and on a range of topics including news and current affairs, computers and internet, games, music, and more. Embossed braille magazines do not need to be returned. Individual issues can be downloaded as electronic braille files.
CELA’s full text magazines can be read like any text file either by downloading it directly to your display if it supports this functionality, or by loading the file on a computer or smart device with a connected braille display.
To receive these magazines in embossed braille sent out to you by mail, contact us at 1-855-655-2273 or
Braille magazines can be found on CELA’s Magazines page.
Relevant tutorials:
Can I read electronic braille files (brf) on my PC?
If your braille display is capable of opening brf files, we recommend downloading the brf file directly to the braille display.
Relevant tutorials:
Why are some books in the CELA collection in synthetic braille?
Synthetic braille is braille automatically generated from an ePub book file and not transcribed or checked by a human transcriber.
The synthetic braille versions of books in the CELA collection are automatically generated from ePub book files when there is no human-transcribed braille version. This allows patrons access to more braille books than CELA could otherwise provide. In some cases, this automated process is used to provide timely access, for example to award nominees, while a human-transcribed version is being produced. As well, all braille versions in the Bookshare collection are automatically generated.
There is a problem with the braille material I received from CELA. What can I do about it?
We love to hear from you. If you have any suggestions about how we might improve our service, for braille or any other format, you can send us feedback using the following email address:
To report a problem with a specific book in any format, use the following form: Report a problem with a book.
You can also email us at or call us at 855-655-2273.