Most popular with kids this month:
The Olympics and Paralympics are happening in Paris, France this summer, and feature many different kinds of sports you play when the weather is hot! Sports like: archery, swimming, tennis, volleyball and gymnastics. If you are interested in learning more, we have the perfect list of books to get you started!
In this heartfelt novel, thirteen-year-old Ellen Katz, a neurodivergent girl with a well-planned life, struggles with changing friendships and expanding horizons. When her best friend Laurel begins distancing herself, Ellen hopes a school trip to Barcelona will restore their bond, but the trip challenges her in unexpected ways. With the help of new experiences and a nonbinary classmate, Ellen learns to embrace the uncertainty of life and find a new sense of self.
Most popular with teens this month:
Canadian authors and illustrators have amazing stories to tell for, and about, kids and teens. Explore CELA's collection of nominated and award winning titles.
*NEW 2024 Canadian Children's Book Centre Awards