You can easily subscribe to magazines on CELA’s website. CELA offers over 150 magazines in DAISY text and DAISY audio formats, available within a day of publication.
DAISY text and audio magazine subscriptions are available via Direct to Player. Direct to Player magazines in either text or audio can be read using the Dolphin EasyReader app for iOS or Android, or any internet-enabled DAISY player.
About Direct to Player
Browse the list of available magazines
Subscribe to a magazine
To subscribe to a magazine:
- Log in and go to My Account.
- Select Manage my subscriptions under Magazine subscriptions.
- Search for the magazine you would like to subscribe to. To do a quick search, enter the magazine name into the Magazine subscription search field and select the Magazine search button.
Note: You can also filter your magazine search by language, format or category in the Filter results section. - Find the magazine you want to subscribe to.
- Under the magazine, select a format and then select Subscribe. In general, at the moment there is only one format option for each magazine.

We also offer a DAISY audio magazine bundle on CD every 2 months for those who do not have internet access. To subscribe to the DAISY magazines on CD, please call us at 1-855-655-2273.
Cancel a subscription
To cancel a magazine subscription:
- Log in and go to My Account.
- Select Manage my subscriptions under Magazine subscriptions.
- Under Magazine subscriptions, find the magazine you would like to cancel and select the checkbox for that magazine.
- Select Cancel.
A dialog box appears, confirming your cancellation.