Managing your holds
On the Holds page, you will find a list of items you have requested on CD, embossed braille, or printbraille, which have not been sent to you yet.
You can access your holds list and change the order in which they will be sent to you, suspend a hold and add it back to the queue later, or delete one or more holds entirely.
To manage your holds list, do the following:
- Log in and select My account in the navigation area.
The My account page will appear. - Select the Holds link.
A list of your holds will display.
Screen reader users: All titles in the holds list are headings at level 2.
Searching and filtering items in your holds list
To find items in your holds list, you can scroll through the list of holds, navigate by heading, or use the search function to search by title or author. The search field is located beside the list of holds and is a heading level 2. It can also be located by activating the “Jump to search and filters” link. Screen reader users can locate it quickly by using the “find next edit field” shortcut. For details, consult your screen reader documentation.
Below the search button, you will find a list of checkboxes that allow you to filter your holds list by various criteria, similar to using search filters when navigating CELA’s catalogue or using advanced search. You can filter by collection, format, and language. Check the options you want and activate the “Apply filter” button. Now, only holds matching your filter criteria will be shown.
Sorting your holds list
You can sort the list of holds by priority queue, by date the item was added to holds, or in alphabetic order of titles. These options can be found in a combo box (dropdown menu), above the list of holds. Select the one you want and activate the “Apply” button.
Changing priority order of your holds
By default, holds will be sent to you in the order they are added to your holds list. However, you can select any title and move it to the top of the list so it will be the next in line to be sent to you.
To prioritize an item, do the following:
- Locate a title you want to move up the priority queue by using any of the methods described above.
- Notice the information located after the title at heading level two. It includes the date the hold was placed, the current priority queue number, and more.
- The second link below this information is a link called “Prioritize this hold”. If you activate it, the corresponding item will be moved to the top of the priority queue and will be sent out to you next.
Suspending a hold
You can suspend a hold by activating its corresponding link titled “Suspend this hold”. It is located right before the “Prioritize this hold” link. Selecting this link will remove the title from your priority queue, and it will not be sent out to you unless you reactivate it. The title remains in your holds list with the status “Suspended”.
Adding a suspended item back to your priority queue
Each suspended item on your holds list will have a link beneath it, titled “Return item to queue.” Selecting this link will add the item to the bottom of your priority queue, so it will be the last on the list to be sent to you. You can change its priority by moving it to the top as described in the previous section.
Removing one or more items from your holds list
To cancel holds and remove them from your holds list do the following:
- Before each title located at heading level two, there is a checkbox titled “remove this item,” that you can use to mark items you want to remove completely from your holds list. You can check one or multiple items at a time.
- To remove your selection from your holds, activate the “Cancel selected holds” button, located at the top of the holds list.