Questions for Libraries
Will you be providing information and training to libraries to support users during the pilot?
We plan to have a short information session for libraries during the pilot but we would prefer that users needing support are directed to our Peer Trainers so that we can monitor any questions or concerns. This information will help us as part of our evaluation.
As part of the pilot, can libraries receive these devices to test?
The focus of the pilot will be on the experience of individual patrons with print disabilities. We will be happy to provide more information about the various players during the library information session and on our website.
Does the pilot impact current service to libraries, including deposit collections?
There will be no changes to current library service and member libraries will continue to receive their deposit collections without change.
Will libraries be required to invest in these players?
We are recommending that users and libraries not invest in the technology until the results of the pilot can be evaluated. Once the results are known we will be able to provide libraries with more information about how they can support users going forward.
Where can libraries learn more about this project?
More information is available on our website and we will be providing users and libraries with updates at the conclusion of the pilot.