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Raise the Titanic! (Dirk Pitt novel ; #3)
By Clive Cussler. 1976
To ensure America's security from foreign attack, it becomes essential to obtain the rare element of Byzanium, which lies in…
the hold of the Titanic. Some strong language. Sequel to "Iceberg", followed by "Vixen 03". 1976. (Dirk Pitt novel ; 3)L'acrobate: roman
By Clive Cussler. 2016
Alors qu'il s'apprête enfin à célébrer son mariage à bord du paquebot Mauretania, Isaac Bell vole au secours de deux…
hommes agressés en pleine nuit : des scientifiques, le professeur Beiderbecke et son jeune assistant Clyde Lynds, peu enclins malgré tout à se confier au brillant détective de l'agence Van Dorn. Quelques jours plus tard, le professeur est retrouvé à l'agonie, enfermé dans une malle. Dès lors, Clyde Lynds n'a d'autre choix que de se confier à Isaac Bell s'il veut garder la vie sauve et protéger leur invention des convoitises qu'elle suscite... Mais les grandes firmes auxquelles il souhaite vendre son dispositif révolutionnaire ne sont visiblement pas les seules intéressées. Dans l'ombre, le mystérieux acrobate, et derrière lui le Deuxième Reich, semblent prêts à tout pour mettre la main sur ce formidable outil de propagande. 2016.Flood tide: a novel (Dirk Pitt ; #11)
By Clive Cussler. 1997
A Chinese businessman is making a fortune smuggling immigrants into countries around the globe. Tracking the smuggler leads Dirk Pitt…
from Washington State to a shipping port in Louisiana. The trail then leads to the race to find a sunken ship filled with treasure. As Pitt prepares for a dramatic showdown, he is faced with the most formidable foe he has ever encountered. c1997. (Dirk Pitt ; 11)Dragon (Dirk Pitt novel ; #10)
By Clive Cussler. 1990
Dirk Pitt, whose most recent adventure was "Treasure", is back, this time battling a Japanese crime cartel. Pitt is searching…
the ocean bottom for a lost atomic bomb - a relic of World War II. Meanwhile, topside, the cartel, from its secret "Dragon Center," is smuggling atomic bombs into the United States. Can Pitt save the world from atomic destruction? Bestseller. Followed by "Sahara". 1990. (Dirk Pitt novel ; 10)Inca gold: a novel (Dirk Pitt novel ; #12)
By Clive Cussler. 1994
A group of archaeologists is exploring a Peruvian sinkhole and gets in trouble. Dirk Pitt happens to be in the…
neighbourhood and comes to their aid. But the rescue simply sets in motion a series of events that find Pitt looking for lost treasure, being captured by a band of art smugglers, and swimming through an uncharted underground river. Bestseller. Sequel to "Sahara", followed by "Shock wave". 1994. (Dirk Pitt novel ; 12)Iceberg (Dirk Pitt novel ; #2)
By Clive Cussler. 2004
The towering iceberg drifting in the North Atlantic was a floating tomb, for embedded in it was a ship -…
sealed in so solidly that not even its mast protruded. Here was a sea mystery to rank with the Bermuda Triangle and the Marie Celeste. But for Major Dirk Pitt, top troubleshooter for the National Underwater and Marine Agency, it was also the first link in a fantastic chain of events that would lead him too close to violent death. Sequel to "The Mediterranean caper", followed by "Raise the Titanic". Some descriptions of sex and some strong language, descriptions of violence. 2004, c1975. (Dirk Pitt novel ; 2)The chase (An Isaac Bell Adventure Ser. #1)
By Clive Cussler. 2007
In 1906, the U.S. government hires no-nonsense detective Isaac Bell to apprehend a murderous bank robber nicknamed the Butcher Bandit.…
Bell pursues his quarry throughout the Wild West, arriving in San Francisco during a disastrous earthquake and fire. Bell soon discovers that he, too, is being hunted. Some violence. 2007Le vaisseau fantôme (Grand format)
By Clive Cussler. 2019
Kurt Austin est blessé lors d'une opération de sauvetage à bord d'un yacht. Le lendemain, ses souvenirs sont confus. Il…
ne sait plus si son amie Sienna et la fille de celle-ci, ont péri noyées ou si le bateau était abandonné lorsqu'il est monté à bord. Se méfiant de sa mémoire, il est déterminé à découvrir la vérité et se trouve bientôt plongé dans un sombre univers de cybercrimes d'Etats.Trojan odyssey (Dirk Pitt Ser.)
By Clive Cussler. 2003
After meeting their father for the first time in Valhalla Rising (DB 52893), twins Summer and Dirk work for marine…
agency NUMA investigating a brown tide in the Caribbean, where they discover mysterious ancient relics. Meanwhile Dirk Sr. rushes to save a floating resort from a deadly hurricane. Some violence. Bestseller. 2003Valhalla rising (Dirk Pitt Ser.)
By Clive Cussler. 2001
Dirk Pitt, on board an oceanographic survey vessel, helps rescue passengers from a luxury cruise ship that mysteriously catches fire…
on its maiden voyage. One of the survivors is Kelly Egan who has managed to save her father's papers, only to have her life threatened. Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller. 2001Atlantis found (Dirk Pitt Ser.)
By Clive Cussler. 1999
Artifacts from ancient civilizations are popping up everywhere and Dirk Pitt, his associate Al Giordino, and archaeologist/linguist Patricia O'Connell are…
investigating. But the Fourth Empire, a terrorist group led by the Wolf family, is determined to stop them and take over the entire world. Some violence and some strong language. Bestseller. 1999Flood tide: a novel (Dirk Pitt Ser.)
By Clive Cussler. 1997
In the year 2000 Dirk Pitt of the National Underwater and Marine Agency is working with immigration officials to stop…
the smuggling of Chinese workers into the United States. Gangster Qin Shang has even built a port in Louisiana to unload the illegals. Pitt is also investigating a rumor of a shipwrecked Chinese vessel bearing a load of treasure. Some violence and some strong language. BestsellerShock wave: a novel (Dirk Pitt Ser.)
By Clive Cussler. 1996
In the 1850s, a male and a female prisoner survive a shipwreck and find diamonds on an island. In the…
year 2000, their descendant Arthur Dorsett plans to topple the diamond market with a flood of gems. His mining techniques are causing an "acoustic plague" that kills animals and humans. Investigating these odd deaths, Dirk Pitt meets Arthur's daughter Maeve, who is quite different from her father. Violence and some strong language. BestsellerInca gold: a novel (Dirk Pitt Ser.)
By Clive Cussler. 1994
A group of archaeologists is exploring a Peruvian sinkhole and gets in trouble. Dirk Pitt happens to be in the…
neighborhood and comes to their aid. But the rescue simply sets in motion a series of events that find Pitt looking for lost treasure, being captured by a band of art smugglers, and swimming through an uncharted underground river. Violence and strong language. BestsellerSahara: a novel (Dirk Pitt novel ; #11)
By Clive Cussler. 1992
Cussler's hero, Dirk Pitt, rescues a young biochemist from certain death and ends up in a race to save the…
world from an environmental catastrophe. Sequel to "Dragon" (DC28143). Followed by "Inca gold". 1992. (Dirk Pitt novel ; 11)Dragon: a novel
By Clive Cussler. 1990
Dirk Pitt, whose most recent adventure was "Treasure," is back, this time battling a Japanese crime cartel. Pitt is searching…
the ocean bottom for a lost atomic bomb--a relic of World War II. Meanwhile, topside, the cartel, from its secret "Dragon Center," is smuggling atomic bombs into the United States. Can Pitt save the world from atomic destruction? Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. BestsellerTreasure: a novel (Dirk Pitt Ser.)
By Clive Cussler. 1988
When the great library of Alexandria was sacked in A.D. 391, perhaps some of its fabulous art treasures and volumes…
from its library escaped the flames and were ferried across the Atlantic. This is the premise of a suspense caper that features green-eyed Dirk Pitt, a James Bond type whom "no woman could completely possess." Some strong language. Bestseller. 1988Cyclops: a novel (Dirk Pitt Ser.)
By Clive Cussler. 1986
Suspense caper features--and ingeniously connects--a maverick American colony on the Moon, a fabulous sunken treasure sought by an unscrupulous, blimp-owning…
financier, and Soviet schemes to steal U.S. space secrets and to replace Fidel Castro with a Kremlin puppet. The action involves murder and torture as well as superpower politicking. Bestseller 1985Deep six: a novel (Dirk Pitt novel ; #7)
By Clive Cussler. 1984
An Asian shipping empire is involved in the kidnapping of senior U.S. officials, and the abduction of the American president…
from his yacht on the Potomac River. Sequel to "Pacific vortex", followed by "Cyclops". 1984. (Dirk pitt novel ; 7)Night probe! (Dirk Pitt novel ; #1)
By Clive Cussler. 1981
Two agents race to uncover the North American treaty which has been hidden for 75 years. The treaty is worth…
billions to America, but could mean war for Great Britain. Explicit descriptions of sex. Bestseller. Followed by "Iceberg". 1981. (Dirk Pitt novel ; 1)